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Petits ruminants
Breeding better hogs with artificial intelligence
Breeding better hogs with artificial intelligence Tech for ultrasound image interpretation, body weight estimation, and testicular ultrasound may determine productive versus nonproductive boars. DUSANPETKOVIC/ISTOCK/GETTY IMAGES
Emotion can also cause chickens to get red in the face
How can we know what chickens are feeling? An INRAE research team were able to uncover various degrees of redness on chickens’ faces depending on
Merck Animal Health introduces SENSEHUB Dairy Youngstock
Merck Animal Health recently introduced SENSEHUB Dairy Youngstock, the industry’s first monitoring technology for dairy calves from birth through the first 12 months of life.
L’intelligence artificielle au chevet des vaches
Les outils connectés permettent d’améliorer à la fois le bien-être des animaux et les conditions de travail des agriculteurs. «Grâce aux colliers, je peux savoir
Collaboration and Minority Investment in Swine Monitoring Platform
FarmSee Ltd, a pioneering company specializing in camera-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for swine monitoring and production optimization, has announced a significant strategic collaboration with
New Artificial Intelligence Technology Meets the Maternity Ward
Artificial Intelligence has landed on the dairy farm – specifically, in the maternity pen. Ever.Ag has introduced “Maternity Warden,” a computer vision monitoring device that monitors
Early detection of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis with artificial intelligence
Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) was developed to distinguish cattle by their muzzle patterns and identify early cases of disease, including infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK). It
L’intelligence artificielle au service de la sélection génétique des animaux d’élevage
L’intelligence artificielle au service de la sélection génétique des animaux d’élevage Deux laboratoires du centre INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse, Génétique et physiologie des systèmes d’élevage (Genphyse –
Healthy cows as the foundation of farm success
Healthy cows are at the heart of a successful dairy farm, enabling more sustainable production and animal welfare. Early disease detection and precise monitoring are