In recent years, the pet technology market has been picking up speed. Not only can you find artificial intelligence (AI) toys for your dog or cat, but you can also find smart beds that track their weight and even smart bowls that ensure they are eating the proper amount.


Mookkie is a feeder designed for multi-pet households using Volta Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. The bowl — which has as clear panel covering the food — is equipped with a camera powered by a visual recognition system that recognizes individual pets; when Mookkie sees the pet it is associated with approaching, the panel opens. Any food thieves will be forced to retreat with this AI-powered bowl controlling access to dinner.

Mookkie will retail for $189 (P9,600) when it launches in September.

Petrics Smart Pet Bed

Petrics’s Smart Pet Bed is a climate-controlled bed equipped with a scale to track animal weight fluctuations.

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