Orange Business Services provides reassurance for pet owners with IoT connectivity for Tractive’s pet wearables and tracking devices

Tractive, an Austria-based developer of hardware, apps and gadgets for pet owners, has signed an IoT connectivity services contract with Orange Business Services. The deal provides connectivity for Tractive products and supports the company’s growing business around the world.

Orange Business Services will provide Tractive with SIM cards for IoT connectivity in the Tractive GPS product which helps pet owners locate their pets. With 10 million pets going missing worldwide each year, there is a big demand for these type of services.

Founded in 2012, Tractive has grown to cover more than 80 countries worldwide. To offer a borderless service for pet owners, Tractive chose Orange Business Services for seamless global connectivity. Pet owners are able to locate their cats and dogs in real-time via their mobile devices and without fear of connectivity loss, wherever the animals might wander.

“For the services we provide to loving pet owners, seamless and interruption-resistant connectivity on a global scale is absolutely key. The Orange Business Services solution caters to our customers’ needs and requirements. We are especially impressed with the global approach from Orange and the close teamwork with our own experts. They are not just a provider, but a trusted partner for us with our future expansion,” said Michael Hurnaus, CEO, Tractive.

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