Cats are grumpy and lazy by nature, right? Wrong! When your apathetic furball stares at you in judgment from the top of the fridge, what it’s really saying is: « Play with me! » 

Studies have shown that cats are social beings that crave human interaction and thrive on attention. They may play it cool, but when you’re gone, they miss you dearly.

The effects of neglect can lead to more than just grumpiness. Without proper stimulation and socialization, cats can develop depression, obesity, and other major health problems.

Along with pet neglect, pet obesity has also become an increasingly big issue over the years. According to several studies, the majority of American cats are either overweight or obese. This is mainly because of a lack of stimulation and exercise.
The fatter they are, the more to love right? Absolutely wrong. Cats who are overweight or obese have a mortality rate of 2.8x higher than their thinner counterparts, and have high risk of developing serious health problems.

Studies have also shown that obesity can also cause mental repercussions to your pet. Overweight cats have scored less on vitality, quality of life and happiness, and higher in pain and emotional disturbance.

The good news is, it doesn’t have to stay this way. We’re here to help with Ebo – The smartest, life-like companion for your cat. Ebo creates a world of interaction, fun, stimulation, and connection that helps your cat to thrive and develop to achieve the best physical and mental health that they possibly can.

Cats love to play with Ebo because it moves and interacts all on its own. Not only is it adorable to watch, but Ebo actually helps prevent mental, physical, and behavioral problems by keeping cats active and entertained.

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