Udderly unreal cows to help train vet students

A life-size simulated cow and calf are enhancing veterinary students’ learning experience at The University of Queensland’s Gatton Campus.

UQ’s School of Veterinary Science senior lecturer Dr Gry Boe-Hansen is excited to welcome the state-of-the-art Canadian Holstein breed model cow and her calf to class.

“Born, bred and purchased from Veterinary Simulator Industries in Canada, our models will be used as teaching tools across a minimum of 10 courses in the Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Bachelor of Veterinary Technology programs,” Dr Boe-Hansen said.

“The cow and her calf have a number of applications to help students gain essential practical skills. These include a complex understanding of the bovine female reproductive tract, as well as diagnosing and managing complexities during pregnancy.”

In addition to accessing the models during class, students can also use them for self-directed learning as an extension of the School’s Student Clinical Skills Hub.

“Simulators are an innovative teaching tool to enhance learning experiences, as they allow veterinary students to become proficient in diagnostic and practical skills, building confidence in technical skills, improving the learning outcomes and reducing the impact on the live animals,” Dr Boe-Hansen said.

Lire la suite: vetpracticemag.com.au

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