A new diagnostic platform from Zoetis Inc. uses image recognition, algorithms and cloud-based artificial intelligence to identify parasites inside cats and dogs within nine minutes.

Vetscan Imagyst is a point-of-care tool designed to locate, classify and identify parasite eggs and cysts in a single fecal sample.

“Veterinarians will now be able to share results with pet owners and provide treatment options during the initial visit, ultimately removing the need for pet owners to return for a second appointment,” Zoetis reported.

Vetscan Imagyst can confirm the presence of internal parasites such as whipworms, hookworms, roundworms, Giardia and coccidia.

The independent Companion Animal Parasite Council recommends cat and dog fecal testing at least four times in the first year of life and then once or twice annually, depending on patient health and lifestyle, according to Zoetis.

“Parasites are a threat throughout the year, making routine monitoring critical to pet health,” said Richard Goldstein, DVM, DACVIM, DECVIM-CA, vice president of global diagnostics medical affairs at Zoetis.

The Imagyst workflow is a three-step process: sample preparation, scanning by whole slide imaging and analysis.

Lire la suite: todaysveterinarybusiness.com

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